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Senior Year: A Message to the Class of 2020

Senior year of high school is supposed to be one of the best years of a person's life. At least that is how society teaches us to view senior year. We see it in movies, TV shows, and magazines that high school is the ultimate year. It is the year where you and your classmates are finally the big fish in the high school pond. 

Walking into senior year I had painted this image of finishing off strong. Not only in my classes, but with my classmates as well. Throughout our journey in high school, and for some as early as middle school, we have all found our strengths and weaknesses. Together we have helped each other to grow and become unique. I still remember feeling out of place and shy during my freshman year of high school. And although I had been here since 7th grade, everything had changed. We were now a part of the high school. We were not little kids anymore, but rather we were young adults or at least becoming young adults. I remember trying to find the right group of friends to hang out with. I thought everyone had a friend, but me. However, I was wrong. Freshman year everyone was trying to make friends and find their place at Holy Child. It was not just me we were all trying to balance school with our social lives. Between Mr. G’s essays and studying for Mr. Scozzari’s Kahoots school sometimes felt impossible. 

Looking back at my freshman year I realized how far my classmates and I have come since then. I have become a better writer, more confident in my presentations, and research skills, and I am more organized. Although at times the work felt impossible in the end everything paid off. We are all going to college, we are all graduating, and we are strong and capable women of conscience and action. 

Senior year was supposed to be the year we celebrate all of these accomplishments and look back and reflect on the last four years. But our time was cut short and now we are reflecting in different ways. We could all be sad and mourn the loss of our senior year or we can look at the bright side. Even though we cannot be together physically we can be together spiritually. We have made memories we will never forget. Some of us might have a daughter in the future who will attend Holy Child and you can tell them about the memories you had made during your time there. And although we may not have the traditional graduation or send off as other classes we are still a memorable class. Our legacies and hard work will not be forgotten by our teachers and our classmates. The community at Holy Child will always be in our hearts. Keep your memories from Holy Child close because you only get one high school experience and our class is one to remember. 

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